Quickie: Darren Aronofsky’s mother! (2017)

Aaaaaahhhhhh, just as disgusting as I had remembered it to be.

Yes, I know. mother! isn’t as “artistically meaningful” as it thinks it is. Yes, it’s essentially just reciting from and taking jabs at the Bible jumbled with a little guilt trip for us humans for treating Mother Nature like trash ever since our existence was initially conceived. We focus on worshipping God more than our partner creator, yes, it’s as simple as that.

But hear me out. Just the pure filmmaking gusto and exertion that Darren Aronofsky devotes to mother! is enough to get it tagged as something dexterously evolutionary. Darren Aronofsky’s mother! is about the most “anxiety-driven” presentation ever conceived in the history of cinema. No movie out there puts you in “the moment” more than this bats*** monstrosity. And I…hmm…adore it still?

Verdict Change: A- —> B 

“mother!” is now available to rent and buy on YouTube, Amazon Prime, Google Play, Vudu, and Hulu.


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